3 Guiding Principles on Designing A Creative Workspace

By Yanna Solace Adofina

The global pandemic has led most employees to work from home two years ago. The sudden exodus from high-rise offices had everyone looking & shopping online to transform their plain home working areas into more comfortable, creative, and Instagram-worthy. Now that employees are slowly going back to their offices, they want to bring this aesthetic into the workplace.

While none of us at lifelab have worked in the interior design industry on a professional basis, we are very passionate about the concept of Human-Centered Design. This is a philosophy promoted by Nobel Prize winner Herbert Simon from Stanford University Design School, which empowers people to create products, services, systems, and experiences that address the core needs of those who experience a problem. For us, this includes designing a workspace that champions creativity and freedom.

Furnishing the lifelab.space was a long yet fulfilling process, but we would be happy to share the three principles that guided us throughout this undertaking:


We aim to do no harm to the environment, and inspire other creatives to do the same through our space's biophilic design. For us this means being CO2 neutral, minimizing waste, and using recyclable materials. The visual focal point of our space is our sizable green wall that emanates optimal amounts of oxygen. Instead of using disposable sticky paper, we utilize Magic Charts ---- reusable, static writing sheets. In our effort to pursue further sustainability, we have partnered with Green Planet Energy, an electric power cooperative that aims to provide power from clean energy sources.



Our clients are movers and shakers in different industries. As their needs are unique, we give them the option to redesign the lifelab environment through flexible furniture. Pixel boxes from BENE allow us to create structures that inspire teamwork and creativity. Our easy-to-use NEO Easybeam mobile projector helps make workshop presentations more fluid.



Our goal for the lifelab space is a combination of flair and function; to transform the place to something meaningful yet useful at the same time. Clean, relaxing visuals are apparent all over the space interiors --- enough to stimulate creativity and stifle boredom or confusion.


Others might think that the aesthetics and design of the work area is not as important as the actual work being done, but both biophilic & human-centered design have been proven to increase creativity, productivity & wellbeing at work.

Purposefully designed workspaces can influence a person's mood and productivity; with colors, views, acoustics, and interiors dictating the difference in the environment. We hope that these guiding principles will be of benefit to everyone aiming for more productivity and creativity at work.