lifelab x StadtGesichter Volume 14 - 18.06.2022

By Yanna Solace Adofina

Did you miss us? 'Cause we sure did!

The powerhouse collaboration of lifelab x Stadtgesichter is back, ready to bring you the best of the best the city of Cologne has to offer. Without further ado, we present to you Volume 14!

While this has been a full in-person event, we took the necessary precautions by following federal health regulations and employing lifelab's extensive hygiene concept. This is to ensure that all our audience members, artists, speakers, and team members will always feel safe and worry-free throughout the night.

Here are some quick links from the evening's event:


Back on the hosting helm is the ever-smiling, Jordan 1s-loving Soleil Ndongala. He brought so much energy on the stage as he introduced each performer on the stage and sat them for a quick chat right after each set.

To know more about Soleil, please check the following links below:


First on stage was LIA, a singer-songwriter based in Cologne. She led the audience in a musical trance with her strong, powerful vocals and gifted guitar skills. She had a very solid set for the evening, with some songs from her 2020 album, Timelapse. Her song "Self-Made Calamity" was definitely one of our favorites for the evening.

To know more about Lia, please check the following links below:


Next up was insightful podcast co-host and speaker Jalil Moradi, also known in online circles as Himbeer PI. As a German Muslim with Moroccan roots, Himbeer PI took the mic and talked about social awareness in terms of racism, religion, politics, and society —- all with a dose of humor.

To know more about Himbeer PI, please check the following links below


Third to take the stage is the acoustic duo of Christian Ginsbach and Maike Braun, also known as the band Tare. Singing songs in both Deutsch and English, the singer-songwriter twosome evoked strong emotions as they told the audience stories through harmonious voices and poignant string melodies.

To know more about Tare, please check the following links below:


Last but definitely not the least is neo-soul siren Fleur Earth. Her unique blend of hip-hop, RNB, and soul has made her one of the most profound singer-songwriters in the genre. Her words are full of heart and soul, cradled in with genre-bending beats and musical versatility. The audience were no less than mesmerized throughout her performance.

To know more about Fleur Earth, please check the following links below :


Supplying sick beats for the evening was DJ Shifroc. The hiphop gourmand and self-confessed vinyl addict is a frequent collaborator of several Cologne-based artists, including Fleur Earth.

To know more about DJ Shifroc, please check the following links below:


Before we capped off the night, we were treated to a fantastic spontaneous music improvisation session with one of lifelab's beloved regulars Sarah Tsehaye and the multi-talented Christine-Joahn. This was truly an evening for the books!

At the end of the night, Soleil acknowledged everyone in the lifelab space for their love, support, and donations. Documenting the event was the talented Oliwer Micherewicz, whose photos are showcased in this article.

Can't get enough of lifelab x Stadtgesichter? Join us again on 10 September,  from 20:00 onwards for a night of fun, music, and community love. Also, don't miss out on our latest offerings and events —- follow us on our Instagram account.


The Gallery

Here are some of the night’s highlights